Wednesday, February 23, 2011

this is definitely me.

Type #1. The Intellectual: Intense Thinker

Intellectuals are bright, articulate, incisive analysts who are most comfortable in the mind. The world is powerfully filtered through rational thought. Known for keeping their cool in heated situations, they often struggle with emotions, don't trust their guts, are slow to engage in anything light-hearted, sensual, or playful.

Are you an intellectual?

Do you believe that you can think your way to any solution? When presented with a problem, do you immediately start analyzing the pros and cons rather than noticing how it makes you feel? Do you prefer planning to being spontaneous? Does your overactive mind prevent you from falling asleep?

If so, try this:

Breathe. If you're mentally gridlocked, simply inhale and exhale deeply, in through your nose out through your mouth.

Exercise. Whether you're walking, rollerblading, or lifting weights, exercise creates an acute body awareness that relaxes a busy mind.

Empathize. Ask yourself, "How can I respond from my heart, not just my head." Empathize before trying to fix a problem with loved ones too quickly.

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