Tuesday, January 4, 2011

in addition to my regular postings, which are usually (ahem) borrowed from someone/somewhere else (with proper citation, of course!) i have decided to borrow another idea i've seen roaming the internets.
i'll be taking an original picture-per-day and posting them on here. while the sites i've seen usually have the author as the subject matter, my project will be a little different. mostly because even i don't want to see myself every day, so doubt anyone else does!
instead, they may be of me, or of something that was significant (or perhaps, insignificant) about the day.
the purpose behind this is threefold:
1. it means that i have to post something EVERY DAY.
2. hopefully it will make me stop and look at the world a little more rather than just rushing through my day
3. perhaps, through photos, i will be inspired to write more flash fiction, because i have been quite the slacker lately.

*disclaimer: i am not a photographer, nor have i ever taken a photography class, nor is my camera very expensive. i may, in fact, be using my phone camera for a majority of pictures. apologies to all the artistically sensitive.

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