Monday, January 17, 2011

‎"we see the world not as something to react to, but as something to impact." - dr. debbie cherry in the strong-willed wife: using your personality to honor God and your husband

this book has helped me immensely and offers an in-depth view of Biblical submission in marriage that most churches don't teach and don't bother to understand. rather than viewing a strong-willed, intelligent, capable woman as deviant, it acknowledges that God gives women those traits(not just men... whoa, what?). They can be used appropriately and as God intended, repressed, or used to be manipulative and angry. With that insight, Dr. Cherry delves into the world of women who aren't content to be a doorstop, while still desiring to be a woman of God and wife that Christ intended. She doesn't shy away from difficult topics. She will say things you don't want to hear. But she will also affirm (with scripture to back it up!) that you're not sinful for having an opinion.

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